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Wellness Programs

Hormone Replacement Therapy & Medical Weight Loss located in Alpharetta, GA

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Our Approach Is Different

We understand the disappointment you might be feeling with the conventional healthcare system.

Frequently, prescription medications are prescribed to address a broad range of conditions, such as insomnia, depression, constipation, and anxiety. Regrettably, these medications can sometimes result in new challenges or undesirable side effects.

Encountering these additional issues can be disheartening. It is crucial to address the underlying causes of your symptoms to truly feel well and this is where a Functional Medicine approach comes in. We address root causes like hormonal imbalances, gastrointestinal health, exposure to toxins, and notably, lifestyle behaviors that can that can help you stay and feel well for a lifetime.

At Advanced Medical & Weight Loss Center, we believe the absence of illness doesn't necessarily equate to being in a state of well-being. True wellness encompasses the optimal functioning of all facets of your health.


4 Step Process To Optimal Health

Fine Tune Hormones

Achieve hormonal balance leading to an elevated state of wellness. Improve mood, metabolism, and libido.

Eliminate Toxins

Cleanse your system of toxins, enabling your cells to perform their functions effectively. Improve energy levels, digestion, immune function, clearer skin, and helps with weight loss.

Enhance Digestion

Enhance digestive processes to maximize nutrient absorption and enhance immunity.

Lifestyle Modifications

Establish sustainable healthy lifestyle habits to enable long-term optimal health.


Signature Wellness

Who It's Designed For

This program is designed for those for ready to make BIG changes to take back their health. This is for people who have struggled with chronic medical issues that, with proper treatment, could be controlled or reversed, such as high blood pressure, pre-diabetes or diabetes, autoimmune conditions and high cholesterol. It's designed for individuals who no longer recognize their usual selves due to diminished energy levels, or an array of symptoms that manifest when the body is not operating at its best.

How It Works

Tailored to your medical history and goals, you'll undergo a series of advanced and comprehensive assessments. These tests encompass an analysis of your existing hormonal status, nutritional profile, stress indicators, and susceptibility to chronic ailments, facilitating a holistic understanding of your well-being.

Lab Evaluation Includes:

  • Body composition analysis (body fat/muscle mass)
  • Sex hormone levels (estrogen, progesterone, testosterone)
  • Stress hormones (cortisol, DHEA)
  • Complete thyroid evaluation
  • Vitamin D, Vitamin B12, Ferritin
  • Metabolism (blood sugar metabolism A1C, fasting insulin)
  • Kidney and liver function
  • Lipid Panel (cholesterol and triglycerides)
  • Inflammation markers (homocysteine, hs-Crp)
Where appropriate we may test for:
  • Evaluation of current nutritional status
  • Comprehensive digestive analysis for gut health and microbiome analysis
  • Exposure to heavy metals
  • Genomic testing for inherited risk factors including MTHFR
  • Advanced cardiovascular risk factors
  • Food sensitivity testing- helps determine inflammatory causes
  • Estrogen metabolism for cancer risk

Your Plan

After tests are complete and your baseline is established, you’ll have an extended appointment to discuss a personalized plan to optimize your health. Depending on your goals, this may include Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy and supplement recommendations. You’ll receive a customized health binder that includes your test results and your personalized wellness plan.

During your program, you’ll check in monthly with Dr. Sidhu. At the end of the program lab tests will be repeated. You’ll have another in-depth appointment during which your progress will be discussed and we will update your wellness plan to help you stay well and decide on an ongoing course of treatment to keep you on your path to a healthier you.

Essential Wellness

Who It's Designed For

The Essential Wellness Program is tailored to those actively dedicated to embracing a health-conscious lifestyle. If you're already prioritizing balanced nutrition and regular exercise but sense the potential for enhanced well-being, this 4-month program caters to your goals. Whether you're seeking the benefits of Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy to boost energy, stabilize mood and metabolism, or aiming to comprehend your risk factors, our program supports individuals who are proactively investing in a healthier future.

How It Works

Following a comprehensive assessment of your medical history and your current endeavors in maintaining wellness, our next step involves pinpointing opportunities to enhance your already health-conscious routine. We'll delve into an in-depth examination of your body's performance, meticulously identifying potential areas for refinement and improvement.

Lab Evaluation Includes:

  • Body composition analysis (body fat/muscle mass)
  • Sex hormone levels (estrogen, progesterone, testosterone)
  • Stress hormones (cortisol, DHEA)
  • Complete thyroid evaluation
  • Vitamin D, Vitamin B12, Ferritin
  • Metabolism (blood sugar metabolism A1C, fasting insulin)
  • Kidney and liver function
  • Lipid Panel (cholesterol and triglycerides)
  • Inflammation markers (homocysteine, hs-Crp)
Where appropriate we may test for:
  • Evaluation of current nutritional status
  • Comprehensive digestive analysis for gut health and microbiome analysis
  • Exposure to heavy metals
  • Genomic testing for inherited risk factors including MTHFR
  • Advanced cardiovascular risk factors
  • Food sensitivity testing- helps determine inflammatory causes.
  • Estrogen metabolism for cancer risk

Your Plan

After tests are complete and your baseline is established, you’ll have an extended appointment to discuss a personalized plan to optimize your health. Depending on your goals, this may include Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy and personalized supplement recommendations specifically tailored to you. You’ll receive a customized health binder that includes your test results and your personalized wellness plan.

During your program, you’ll check in monthly with Dr. Sidhu. At the end of the program lab tests will be repeated. You’ll have another in-depth appointment during which your progress will be discussed and we will update your wellness plan to help you stay well and decide on an ongoing course of treatment to keep you on your path to a healthier you.

Hormonal Wellness Program

Who It's Designed For

The Hormonal Wellness Program is designed for people experiencing the classic symptoms of hormonal imbalance; fatigue, night sweats, menstrual problems, insomnia, low libido, anxiety, irritability or depression. This program focuses exclusively on getting your sex hormones, stress hormones and thyroid hormones back in balance at optimal levels.

How It Works

At your consultation, we will discuss the findings from the labs conducted during your Initial Assessment. We will collaboratively identify symptoms stemming from hormonal imblanaces and chart a pathway to address these issues effectively.

Lab Evaluations

Depending on your symptoms, we'll review test results such as:

  • Sex hormone levels (estrogen, progesterone, testosterone)
  • Stress hormones (cortisol, DHEA)
  • Complete thyroid evaluation
  • Vitamin D
  • Vitamin B12
  • Ferritin

Your Plan

You’ll have regular visits with Dr. Sidhu to ensure that you’re progressing and your symptoms are subsiding. An additional round of tests is ordered during your third month so we can be certain you are making improvements. At the completion of your program, you’ll meet with Dr. Sidhu for a comprehensive review of your progress and to determine what changes, if any, need to be made to your treatment plan. During this appointment a plan will be made to continue to monitor your progress moving forward.

Weight Loss Plus

Who It's Designed For

This comprehensive Weight Loss Program is designed for those who are not only looking to shed excess pounds but also identify and address underlying causes of weight issues. For many people, the matter extends beyond mere dietary intake and physical activity. A range of factors, including thyroid irregularities, hormonal fluctuations, stress, medication effects, inadequate exercise, metabolic disorders, and more, can contribute to weight-related challenges. Every individual possesses a distinct health journey, and as such, our approach to weight loss is customized to cater to the specific needs and health goals of each person.

How It Works

After gaining a thorough understanding of your medical history and weight issues, we’ll begin by doing advanced testing to determine any root causes for your weight issues. We’ll take a focused look at how your body is performing, and determine the right course of action. Prescription medications to aid in weight loss may be recommended.

Lab Evaluation Includes:

  • Body composition analysis (body fat/muscle mass)
  • Sex hormone levels (estrogen, progesterone, testosterone)
  • Stress hormones (cortisol, DHEA)
  • Complete thyroid evaluation
  • Vitamin D, Vitamin B12, Ferritin
  • Metabolism (blood sugar metabolism A1C, fasting insulin)
  • Kidney and liver function
  • Lipid Panel (cholesterol and triglycerides)
  • Inflammation markers (homocysteine, hs-Crp)
Where appropriate we may test for:
  • Evaluation of current nutritional status
  • Comprehensive digestive analysis for gut health and microbiome analysis
  • Exposure to heavy metals
  • Genomic testing for inherited risk factors including MTHFR
  • Advanced cardiovascular risk factors
  • Food sensitivity testing- helps determine inflammatory causes.
  • Estrogen metabolism for cancer risk

Your Plan

After tests are complete and your baseline is established, you’ll have an extended appointment to discuss a personalized plan to optimize your health and weight loss efforts. Depending on your goals, this may include weight loss medications, Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy and personalized supplement recommendations specifically tailored to you. You’ll receive a customized health binder that includes your test results and your personalized wellness plan.

During your program, you’ll check in monthly with Dr. Sidhu. At the end of the program lab tests will be repeated. You’ll have another in-depth appointment during which your progress will be discussed and we will update your wellness plan to help you stay well and decide on an ongoing course of treatment to keep you on your path to a healthier you.