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What is Functional Medicine?

Functional Medicine is in some ways quite an ancient practice but at the same time, it is quite the new way of healthcare in the 21st century. Long before big pharma, mankind relied solely on natural remedies to treat and cure ailments. In this day and age, many physicians incorporate these tried and tested holistic treatments into their practice. Combining this with modern day advanced diagnostic testing is what makes functional medicine such a compelling approach to improve patients' overall health, from preventative care all the way to tailored treatment plans. 

Many functional medicine physicians have the capability and freedom to decide how to practice medicine without the constraints of insurance companies who dictate the type of tests physicians can order and medications that will be covered. Without the obstacle of insurance coverage, functional medicine physicians can determine the most effective and appropriate diagnostic testing and treatments. In doing so, we can dive deeper and take a closer look at possible underlying root causes of poor health, rather than simply treating the presenting symptoms. 

Have you been told by a healthcare provider that you are healthy and nothing is wrong with you, yet you have this relentless feeling that something is off even though your labs came back “normal”? Well, let me tell you, this is quite common unfortunately. Busy doctors who can't spend more than 10 minutes with you in an appointment and have limitations on the way they practice aren't always able to dig deep to figure the root cause of your problem. This is where functional medicine prevails. We take our time talking with patients to gain extensive insight into your health history, family history, lifestyle, nutrition, stress levels, and sleep. With this information, I can determine which tests will best help to diagnose possible deficiencies, imbalances or toxicities that may be causing your symptoms. From there, a customized treatment plan is put together for each patient. 

How Can Advanced Medical and Weight Loss Center Help You?

At Advanced Medical and Weight Loss Center in Alpharetta, Ga we help patients all over the spectrum from patients who are overall healthy but would a like to get a deeper insight on their overall health to patients who have been suffering from chronic conditions and need a physican who will do more comprehensive testing and offer holistic treatments in addition to conventional medications if needed. Our goal is restore your health for optimal functioning.